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Created 12-Jan-16
446 photos

BYU-Idaho University Relations Photographers - Apr 2016

The crew behind the camera's. L-R: Katelyn Crompton, Kalan Lysenko, Michael Lewis, Tyler Rickenbach and Ryan Chase.

Katelyn Crompton - June 2016

University Relations Assistant Photographer

Ryan Chase - Apr 2016

Ryan Chase

I Give- APR 2016

Students give to help others in need. Engineering student

Colton Western - Apr 2016

LDS Philanthropies student profile. Colton is an Engineering major.

I Give- APR 2016

Students give to help others in need. Patrick Pham

Robyn Bergstrom Interview - Apr 2016

Robyn Bergstrom, of the Communications Department, gets interviewed by President Clark G. Gilbert.

Online studying- April 2016

Annie Little, finds peace and quiet in the balcony of the I-Center to study for her Child Developement Online class.

I Give- APR 2014

Students give to help others in need. Christina Camano

Conference Choir- APR 2016

Conference Choir- APR 2016

Geography Bee - April 2016

Nicholas Monahan is awarded first place at the Idaho State Geography Bee and also receives a trip to Washington D.C. to compete in the National Geography Bee.

Geography Bee - April 2016

Preston Wilde hands off the Microphone to Benjamin Veith during the Idaho State Geography Bee.

Geography Bee - April 2016

National Geographic and Brigham Young University-Idaho host the Idaho State Geography Bee.

Cory Kerr - Apr 2016

Cory Kerr, Communications Professor, aids students in his Vector Graphics class.

Timeline - April 2016

illustration photo for devotional

RixStix- Mar 2016

Percussion Ensemble, directed by David Taylor - Mar 31, 2016

Sound Alliance & Vocal Union- March 2016

Sound Alliance and Vocal Union host this night of big band and vocal jazz, "A Night at the Swing Club" directed by Mark Watkins and Nori Brower. This is their farewell concert before leaving on tour t

Sound Alliance & Vocal Union- March 2016

Sound Alliance and Vocal Union host this night of big band and vocal jazz, "A Night at the Swing Club" directed by Mark Watkins and Nori Brower. This is their farewell concert before leaving on tour t

Sound Alliance & Vocal Union- March 2016

Sound Alliance and Vocal Union host this night of big band and vocal jazz, "A Night at the Swing Club" directed by Mark Watkins and Nori Brower. This is their farewell concert before leaving on tour t

Sound Alliance & Vocal Union- March 2016

Sound Alliance and Vocal Union host this night of big band and vocal jazz, "A Night at the Swing Club" directed by Mark Watkins and Nori Brower. This is their farewell concert before leaving on tour t

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