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Created 2-Jul-18
2174 photos

Convocation - College of Physical Sciences and Engineering - Dec 2014

A graduate kisses a loved one after convocation in the Taylor Building.

Graduation Commencement - Dec 2014

A graduate smiles in front of the College of Language and Letters sign in the I-Center.

Graduation Commencement - Dec 2014

A graduate takes a "selfie" with her husband after Commencemnt in the I-Center.

Graduation Commencement - Dec 2014

Family, friends and graduates salute the America Flag as the colors are posted during the Commencement Ceremony.

Graduation Commencement - Dec 2014

Students are welcomed into the I-Center for the Commencement Ceremony.

Graduation Commencement - Dec 2014

Students are welcomed into the I-Center for the Commencement Ceremony.

Graduation Commencement - Dec 2014

Mike Lewis composes a shot of the graduates as they walking into the I-Center.

Graduation Commencement - Dec 2014

A BYU-Idaho faculty memeber directs a mother looking for her graduate.

Fall Graduation Commencement - Dec 2014

Students get ready to go into the I-Center for the Commencement Ceremony.

Graduation Commencement - Dec 2014

A proud mother of a graduate takes a picture during Commencement in the I-Center.

Graduation Commencement - Dec 2014

Students give thanks to their parents by applauding, during the Commencement Ceremony in the I-Center.

Graduation Commencement - Dec 2014

The BYU-Idaho I-Center during the Fall 2014 Graduation.

Nativity--Dec 2014

A nativity in front of the John Taylor Building celebrates the birth of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Nativity--Dec 2014

A nativity in front of the John Taylor Building celebrates the birth of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Nativity--Dec 2014

A nativity in front of the John Taylor Building celebrates the birth of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Nativity--Dec 2014

A nativity in front of the John Taylor Building celebrates the birth of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Nativity--Dec 2014

A nativity in front of the John Taylor Building celebrates the birth of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Nativity--Dec 2014

A nativity in front of the John Taylor Building celebrates the birth of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Nativity--Dec 2014

A nativity in front of the John Taylor Building celebrates the birth of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Nativity--Dec 2014

A nativity in front of the John Taylor Building celebrates the birth of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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